Sunday, November 26, 2023
My Aunt Pat appeared in my life at a very difficult time for me as a teenager.
She moved north from NC to NYC, taking the bus and presumably only a suitcase to begin a new life. She stayed (briefly) with her big brother ( my father Maury) who was the eldest of the 4 siblings more than 10 years her senior. They had quite different upbringing experiences but my dad always tried to be supportive of his 2 little sisters.
Pat was at a turning point in her life having left a failed marriage made when she was probably too young.
Upon arriving in NYC, my father later said he had never seen anyone get a job and an apartment so fast. She did not linger in starting anew in New York. With determined energy and positivity she dove right into the 1960’s New York career girl life. When I would come to NY from the suburbs to visit she would spend afternoons with me shopping. She visited us on a summer stay Nantucket where dad took a rustic cabin for 2 weeks. It was great to have her around, like an older sister.
She was supportive to me in my teenage angst and struggles with my parents, never judgmental of my self centered drama and reminding me that they loved me.
When she married the wonderful Rich Manno, her soul mate, I was her bridesmaid, an honor I did not fully appreciate at the time, as an expression of her love.
Her partnership with Uncle Rich was absolute. I remember them holding hands on walks, like teenagers, in their 60’s
Aunt Pat leaves a legacy of love to not only her husband, children and grandchildren but to all of us in the extended family and we will miss her spirit forever.